Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Mysterious Unity of Marriage lecture

22 October 201, L’Abri, day 14 

I realize this is a blog chronicles a journey, and thus far, I’ve kept it pretty light and mainly covered just the fun stuff.  I’ve enjoyed that, and I hope you have as well.  But, while having fun is a big part of this journey, it’s about much more than that for me; I’m at L’Abri after all.  I plan to shift gears a bit and add in some of the deeper issues as well, spiritual insights resulting from involvement in lectures, books, readings, movies, discussions and more which are a big part of our daily life in this unique environment.    

Dick and Marty Keyes gave a lecture last night on marriage.  I must admit that when I read the lecture title, a part of my heart cringed.  At the risk of sounding cynical, I want to share a few of my thoughts on this issue. 

With little exception through the years, it seems that most every sermon on marriage that I’ve heard fails to rightly present the realities and challenges, as well as the “real” blessings, of married life in a gut-level, realistic, and honest manner.  Instead, it seems, the institution of marriage itself is set up as some sort of god, and the very real problems that may threaten it are over generalized and misrepresented.  The married individuals seeking real solutions to very real problems, it seems, are too often given mandates, hierarchical gender role descriptions, and formulas  rather than real solutions that truly help.  I realize things may beeasier if the Bible offered a “one size fits all” solution to the complexity of human relationships whether married or single; but, I don't find any such thing there.  For this reason, I was less than enthusiastic to listen to yet another lecture on marriage.  However, being that I truly admire and appreciate the presenters, Dick and Marty, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and sit in to hear what they had to say.  I am so pleased that I did!

The lecture was drawn from Corinthians (don't have access to chpt and verses), and my goodness, was it ever refreshing!  Dick and Marty have been married since Marty was fresh out of college, and their marriage is admirable and an encouragement to me.  Clearly, both have done their homework (pun intended-smile-) concerning the Corinthians text.  They offered insights that provided a perspective on “submission” that I have not yet heard in a Christian setting.  I completely agree with their insights, and the lecture was excellent. Loved it! 

Below is a link to the lecture, if you would like to hear it too.  Also, if you visit this site, you will also find access to other lectures as well.  I hope you enjoy, and I welcome your feedback.

click on the “Lecture Schedule” link on the home page,
then Mysterious Union of Marriage link.

If you have any problem opening the lecture, please let me know, and I’ll assist you.

Speaking of comments, I continue to get emails from people wishing they could comment.  Today one of my fellow students told me I may need to change some settings, so I will check that out after posting pics. I am, however, getting a few of the comments, but they just don't show up on the page for others to view.

Thank you again for joining me in my journey.  I'm now going to attempt, once again, to post pictures of L’Abri, of the Massachusetts country side, and maybe even some shots of my fellow students here at L’Abri. 
You will also see shots from the trips Brenda, Jung Juan and I made to Concord and to the "home of Little Women" where Louisa May Alcott lived while writing her most famous works.  The Concord home is not to be confused with The Fruitlands (also pictured) where Louisa lived as a young girl during the time her father experimented with his utopian dream of a Transcendental Commune.  The Commune experience failed, but his life, though I don't share is beliefs, was quite adventurous and interesting.  I hope you enjoy the pictures--if I can get them to post... uggh!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a message from Alex, Jeanie's exchange student. To post a comment first type your comment in the box, choose what kind of account you want to use to post,such as google account to post the comment. Click on post comment, and rememeber to do"Word Verification" (those squigglie letter you have to identify.)
    Good Luck! Alex
    p.s. Jeanie will love to hear from you!

  3. Ok... This is the 3rd time I've tried to comment, but I'm having issues signing in to Google. I hope you're not getting repeat copies of this message.... Here is what I tried to post before (I think unsuccessfully):

    Hi Jeanie! I found your blog! Neat!

    I really enjoyed our chat yesterday and am looking forward to you joining our group when you get back. I was able to get the next 3 BSF lessons and will mail them out today. I can pick up another 3 in a couple of weeks.

    May God continue to move mightily in your life. I can't wait to hear more about your journey!

    Prayers for healing and continued growth,
