Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finally some pictures--I hope!

Hello Dears,

I have heard from several of you that you are having trouble leaving comments.  I will ask Alex to post me a comment and then to tell me exactly how he made that happen--step by step.  Then, I will pass that information on to you.  My friend Donna has successfully posted comments, so maybe she will do the same to help us all out.

I am currently back at the Boston Union Station.  I spent three days traveling by train, and a great deal of that time was spent at the Union Station in Chicago; but, you already know that story! 

Last night, when I arrived in New York City, I decided to check my bags and step out into the city for a short while.  I ended up spending several hours, and I loved it!  I’ve been to NY before, so wasn’t trying to do a lot of sight seeing, but it was a hoot anyway!  Times Square never ceases to amaze me with how, no matter the time of night, it’s bustling with what seems like thousands of people!  Way fun!  And, the lights are so bright, it’s a light as day in some places.  Amazing!

I also revisited the Empire State Building.  As a child, my grandfather shared home movies of his family’s trip East, and I was enthralled by his clips of Times Square and the Empire State Building.  I dreamed of one day experiencing them for myself.  That dream was realized 13 years ago when I was blessed to bring my youngest son Daniel to the Northeast.
Loved it then—still do! 

Well, I’ve taken some pictures and will try to post them.  Haven’t done it before, so I hope it goes well. 

After this post, I’ll board the Public Transport and head to L’Abri!  I’m eager and a little nervous.  I don’t know much of what to expect, and I’m committed for a 40 day stay.  So, here goes…


P.S.  I will post the NY pics first, then follow at a later time with other shots from Boston etc.

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