October 23, 2011 L’Abri 16.
You’re not going to believe my story as to why there are still few pictures posted. Before I begin though, I’ll let you know that I am doing well… now. And, though the mishap I’m going to tell you about was not fun at the time, it’s actually at bit humorous to me now. So, my flippant telling is sincere… now.
Yesterday, while at Starbucks, after posting the comments and link to the marriage lecture, I worked diligently to get pictures of fellow students posted so you could finally meet them vicariously through my blog.
Pictures take a long time to up-load, so after a while, I decided to get a cup of coffee during the wait time. Well, as most of you know, I have balance issues (due to my illness), so usually when I stand up, I’m kind of scoping out what I might reach for to steady myself if I feel myself leaning a bit. But, yesterday, while I stood, I held my open p.c. in one of my hands, so I didn’t think of balance either way. Just as I stood, I could feel myself starting to topple, and there was nothing to grab. I tried to steady myself with my left foot, but it didn’t help, and the next thing I knew, I was going down, big time! It seems that several people hollered while scurrying to grab me, and I heard my computer crash to the floor. Fortunately, I had gotten it close enough before I let go, so there was no harm done to it! I’m so thankful for that. I wish though that I could say the same for my foot. Somehow, while trying to keep the p.c. safe, I got my foot all tangled up, and it doubled back as I fell. Next thing I knew, I was completely down with this searing pain shooting through my foot and leg. I was feeling quite disoriented because of the fall and the pain. I could hear people all around, but I couldn’t see them, because my eyes were closed. I remember one lady asking if my shoes were Sanitas, and it seems like I answered that they were. Someone else was talking about how nurses wear Sanitas, and I momentarily wondered if I was somehow in the hospital. It felt like that strange disorientation when you’re coming out of surgery. People’s voices seemed like they were down at the end of some tunnel, and everything was moving in slow motion. Someone was putting a towel under my head and someone else a cold cloth on my forehead. But, I kept my eyes closed, so I didn’t see anyone. I was just trying to keep my wits enough so as not to pass out. I kept hearing someone say: “Call 911.” Through my daze, I was insisting that I would be okay, but that I just needed to focus so I wouldn’t pass out. Truth was, I wasn’t really sure if I would be okay or not; my foot was killing me! I don’t know how long I was laying there, but I know I didn’t pass out—thank heavens. Next thing I knew, paramedics were leaning over me asking me questions. I opened my eyes to see this huge gurney next to me, and I realized they were planning to haul me off for what would most likely be a $2000.00 ordeal. All I could think was that I just couldn’t let that happen! I wasn’t sure if my foot was broken or not, but I wanted a chance to figure that without a huge medical bill. So, I begged the paramedics off insisting that I didn’t think it was broken even though it hurt like H E Double Hockey Sticks! At the very least, I figured I would avoid the wild and expensive ride in a red truck with its accompanying ER visit. I wanted to give it a day to see what happened. If something was truly broke, I would find out the next day when I could go to a regular clinic. So, I kept insisting to the paramedics and the Starbucks manager that I was going to be okay, Finally, they believed me enough to let me sign a refusal release, and they assured me there would be no costs. After, what must have been 30 to 45 minutes, I was finally sitting back up in my chair, and I was able to hit the POST button on my p.c. so the pictures I had worked so hard to up-load would post. But, it appears they didn’t post after all. So, all that, for nothing! Still no pictures!
As for my foot; well, it’s not doing so great; but, I’m confident it’s not broke. One of my fellow students came to pick me up, and she offered me her arm while I inched my way to the car. Each step was excruciating! I was beginning to think perhaps I shouldn’t have convinced the paramedics to leave, because I might have a break after all; but, it was a little late for that. Once at L’Abri, a student, Sarah, helped me walk into the house, and by the time I got sat down, I felt faint again from the pain! After a bit, I decided I needed to find a L’Abri worker to help me. I knew Ben and Nichaela were home, because they were hosting lunch. So, I managed to get up stairs to my room where I got my walking stick. Then, I made my way back down the stairs, and I hobbled my way up a hill, about ½ a city block, to where Ben and Nichaela live. By the time I reached their door, I was feeling disoriented again! The pain was excruciating! When I got to the house door, I called to Ben and he dropped what he was doing and helped me to a chair. He propped my foot up and wrapped it in a bag of frozen vegetables to keep the swelling down. Elaine (a student) brought me some Ibuprophen. I took four! Fortunately, after about 25 minutes the pain meds started to work, and I started getting some relief. Fortunately, Ben had some old crutches and he adjusted them to their lowest position so they would fit me. A L’Abri worker, Sue, is a former midwife, so we had her take a look at it. I told her I wanted to avoid an ER visit if possible. She evaluated that it is most likely just a nasty sprain, but not broken. Last night, one of the other students brought me a medicated patch to wrap my foot in, so I slept pretty well and only woke up a couple times. This morning, I couldn’t get my regular shoes on due to swelling, but the pain had decreased significantly. So, here I am at L’Abri, hobbling around on crutches! Tonight, I dared to put a little weight on my foot to see how it’s coming along, and it didn’t hurt nearly as badly as it did yesterday. So, I’m definitely on the mend.
Ben commented that I might have felt embarrassed about falling in a public place, and you know, somehow I never gave that part a thought. I mean, it’s not like there was a thing I could do about it. I never really saw any of the people, I couldn’t tell you who was there, who was talking to me, who asked me the brand of my shoes, or who the sweet lady was that picked up my computer and told me it was okay. I know, I had asked someone to get me my phone so I could call L’Abri, but I don’t know who handed it to me or who found the number. It was all kind of surreal.
I just keep thanking God that I didn’t pass out and get hauled into the ER. It would have taken me at least two years to pay that off! I’m also so incredibly thankful that nothing is broken! Whew! What a relief that is.
Sorry the pictures didn’t post. I’ll try again when I can get to Starbucks again!
I'm so sorry to hear about your travails!! I hope everything will be well with you. Remember--your health is the most important thing, so don't hesitate to have your foot looked at if there's any question about it. (Isn't it sad that we have to worry about medical expense in this country, when we're in a situation where we've hurt ourselves?!)