Sunday Oct. 30, 2011 L’Abri day 22
Have you ever had a day that almost feels magical? Today, thus far, is one of those days for me. Yesterday afternoon, snow began to fall, and this morning, we awoke to a lovely thick winter coat blanketing our gorgeous Massachusetts countryside, set off with brilliant blue skies and golden sunshine. So very pretty! But, that’s only a part of what has made this morning so special. I’ve gotten ahead of myself though. First, I’ll tell you about last evening.
The “L’Abri Helpers” were invited to dinner at the Keye’s residence, so we students were left here to enjoy an evening on our own. Just as we were eating our meal, our power went out, due to the heavy snow storm, so we pulled out a couple flashlights and joined together in the entry parlor to cozy up to the warm fire. It was magical. Then, we decided to play Mafia; I had never played before, and it was a total hoot. There we were, practically in the dark, murdering each other and interrogating suspects while they howled their defense. Everyone was so animated and totally into the game. So fun!
Then, this morning, we awoke –or at least those with non-electrical alarms awoke – to a powerless house! Our electric was, and continues to be out! So, our breakfast options were limited, and our coffee was quite strange, but good. Then, most everyone decided not to head out to church, but I was going to go with Matt who had room in his car. Well, I was until, after my shower, it dawned on me that I had no way to dry my hair, so I opted to cozy in at home as well.
Yesterday, two new students came, Almec and Jessie, and sadly they will only be here until later this afternoon. They are some of the most incredible guys I’ve met yet. Almec is an actor and director from NY, and Jessie heads up a ministry at Columbia University . JungWon, Almec, Jessie, and I decided we would have our own church near the fire in the Parlor, so we did. We opened in prayer, then each of us took turns playing guitar as we sang some hymns, and then we took turns sharing from our hearts, reading scripture, and talking about insights the Lord had given us this week. I asked Jessie, who is a pastor, to share his thoughts on a very deep topic. I wanted his take on individuals dealing with the consequences of the original fall, when we were not yet born when it occurred. We had a wonderful discussion.
We talked about a lot of things, but perhaps the most poignant for me was when he commented on how Adam sinned, and though we were not there, we suffer from the consequences. In much the same way, Jesus died for us, and though we were not actually present, we can partake of the consequences—the incredible blessings--of his great sacrifice on our behalf. It’s hard to describe how peace filled and joyful, as well as how helpful this conversation was for me.
Also, JungWon was sitting there, and we asked her to share. She pointed to the nine pane window with the sun shining through, revealing the snow covered trees, still brilliant with Fall colors, and how they dance gracefully in the graceful breeze. She commented that all the panes, when looked through together, form a lovely picture that makes sense, but if we look through only one pane or another, or another, we see just a small segment, that is disjointed and does not give the full picture alone. Then, she likened that to our discussion of how we can only see in part, but will one day see in full. Jessie shared from his heart about the grace of God, Almec shared about how God has blessed him as of late through the testimonies of others, and I shared a short story I learned while “training up” Daniel. As I sat there and we all shared in song and ministry to each other, the realization crept up in me that our time together, this morning, will ever live on in my memory as one of those truly lived experiences when Christ is right there in your midst, and life is full and very good!
Being house bound without power, has given us yet another opportunity to live fully where we are, making do with what we have, and enjoying time well spent unhurried, slow, and joyful.
I’ve decided to read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis today, so will now close…
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